HC Deb 13 December 1949 vol 470 cc250-1W
Mr. Blackburn

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what changes are contemplated or have been made in the organisation of research and development connected with the fuel industries since the enactment of legislation nationalising the coal, gas and electricity industries.

Mr. Gaitskell

The following changes have so far been made: The National Coal Board have set up their own Central Research Establishment, in which most of the industry's research work will be done. The Board co-operate with other research organisations, including my Department's Safety in Mines Research Organisation, the Fuel Research Station and the Pneumoconiosis Research Unit; and support the British Coal Utilisation Research Association, the Coal Tar Research Association and the British Coke Research Association.

The British Electricity Authority has taken over the research laboratory established by the Central Electricity Board, and supports the British Electrical and Allied Industries' Research Association. The Authority co-operates also with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, the British Coal Utilisation Research Association and other research associations.

The Gas Council has not yet decided its future organisation of research but is meanwhile supporting the Gas Research Board.

In pursuance of my duty to secure the prosecution of research into methods of advancing the safety and promoting the health of mine workers, I have taken over the safety in mines research stations previously financed out of the Miners' Welfare Fund, and I collaborate closely with the Medical Research Council on health researches.

In addition, my Department is arranging for research and development work on a number of projects—such as underground gasification of coal—which do not fall clearly within the field of any one of the nationalised industries. This work is under the direction of my Chief Scientist, whom I appointed last year. As my hon. Friend is aware, I also set up a Scientific Advisory Council, with a membership consisting of representatives of the nationalised industries as well as other scientists, to advise me on the scientific aspect of my statutory responsibilities, including the fulfilment of my functions in connection with the research programmes of the nationalised fuel industries.

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