§ Mr. Hardyasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he has yet appointed a Departmental Committee to investigate the question of a depletion allowance in the taxation of British mining concerns.
§ Mr. Glenvil HallYes. I have appointed a Committee under the chairmanship of Sir Eric Bamford, Chairman of the Board of Inland Revenue, and including representatives from the Ministry of Supply, the Board of Trade and the Ministry of Fuel and Power, with the following terms of reference
To consider whether any handicap is placed upon United Kingdom mining concerns by the absence from the United Kingdom taxation system of allowances for capital expenditure on the acquisition of overseas mineral sources or of rights to work overseas mineral deposits, whether such allowances should be introduced, and if so, what form a scheme of allowances should take.Any persons wishing to make representations to the Committee should communicate with its Secretary, Mr. G. Smith, Secretaries' Office, Inland Revenue, Somerset House, W.C.2.