HC Deb 24 November 1948 vol 458 cc123-4W
Mr. Francis Noel-Baker

asked the Minister of Health what steps his Department takes to control the pollution of the River Thames and other rivers from sewage outfall and other causes, in view of the anxiety about the danger to health from such pollution felt by many anglers and other river users.

Mr. Bevan

I have no direct power of controlling river pollution. Responsibility for enforcing the provisions of the River Pollution Prevention Acts, 1876 and 1893, rests with county councils, local authorities, and joint committees, while prevention powers under the Salmon and Fresh Water Fisheries Act, 1923, are exercisable by fishery boards. Special powers and duties for the prevention of pollution for some rivers are conferred by local Acts, for example, on the Conservators of the River Thames in respect of the non-tidal part of the Thames.

I am however very much concerned, both in the interests of maintaining the purity of water supplies and on other public health grounds, in the progress which is being made to solve this important and difficult problem and local authorities are encouraged to proceed as quickly as the present conditions as to materials allow with improvements in their sewerage and sewage disposal works. Loans sanctioned for these purposes since the war amount to£15 million, much of which expenditure benefits rivers. Action is also being taken to ensure that the administrative organisation and the legal powers available for the purpose are as effective as possible. In accordance with the provisions of the River Boards Act, 1948, my right hon. Friend the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries and I are at present engaged in setting up the new River Boards, each of which will wield, as a single authority and as respects the whole lengths of the rivers in its area, all the powers for the prevention of pollution at present exercisable by a number of different local authorities over different stretches of river.

At the same time a sub-committee of the Central Advisory Water Committee is at present investigating measures for strengthening the existing law on the subject with a view to ensuring that the River Boards have powers which are in all respects adequate for their task. I understand that the sub-committee is likely to report shortly.