HC Deb 23 November 1948 vol 458 c97W
38. Sir J. Lucas

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is satisfied that 22027628 Guardsman Veness, who was sent to Singapore with less than four months' training, was properly examined before his departure, and where, in view of the representation made by his father that he had impetigo; whether he is aware that he had to be sent to hospital on arrival; and what is his present condition.

Mr. M. Stewart

Before embarkation this soldier received the normal medical examination, and was considered to be fit for overseas service. There is no evidence to show that he was at that time suffering from impetigo, although he had suffered from it for about a week two months previously. During the voyage he developed impetigo again and as a result was admitted to hospital on disembarkation in Singapore. This has since cleared up, but he has now developed ringworm, and is to remain in hospital for a further fortnight. It is considered that on discharge from hospital he will be completely fit. A skin specialist's report obtained from Singapore, following representations received from my hon. and gallant Friend the Member for Central Portsmouth in September, stated that he was fit for service in any theatre of operations.