HL Deb 16 November 1948 vol 159 c412WA

asked His Majesty's Government whether they are aware that in the Housing Summary (Command 7526) recently published it is shown that the number of houses built in Scotland by private builders represents less than 10 per cent. of the number completed, as compared with over 22 per cent. in England and Wales; whether it is realised that the persistent refusal to allot a larger share of housebuilding to private enterprise in Scotland is retarding unnecessarily the provision of houses for the Scottish people; and whether, in view particularly of the fact that the need for houses is proportionately much greater in Scotland than in England, this policy will now be reversed.


Since 1919 proportionately fewer houses have been completed by private enterprise in Scotland than in England and Wales, and this difference in the two countries has continued. Since all material and labour available for housing is at present being fully utilized, there could be no addition to the total number of houses merely by an alteration in the proportions to be built by private enterprise for local authorities and those to be built speculatively or privately. My right honourable friend is, however, fully alive to the urgent need for large numbers of new houses in Scotland and he will take steps to expand the programme as soon as this becomes practicable.

House adjourned at twenty-five minutes past three o'clock.