HC Deb 11 March 1948 vol 448 cc184-5W
Sir W. Smithers

asked the Minister of Supply (1) how many cars and how much petrol are allocated to the Ministry of Supply offices in Chislehurst; what is the daily mileage of the cars; how many people use them daily; and in view of the withdrawal of the basic petrol allowance, whether he will assure the House that the preferential treatment accorded to the users of these cars is necessary;

(2) how much petrol is allowed for cars CYE 197 and FYY 502 at the Ministry of Supply offices at Chislehurst; to what use these cars are put; what is their average daily mileage; and what is the average number of people who use them daily.

Mr. G. R. Strauss

Fourteen cars and 25 vans are at present being used by the Inspectorate of Electrical and Mechanical Equipment and the Inspectorate of Fighting Vehicles at Chislehurst. Their average petrol consumption is about 65 gallons a day and the daily mileage about 1,375. Between 30 and 40 people use the cars daily. The amount of petrol used is kept to a minimum and I am satisfied that the cars and vans are not used unnecessarily. The two vehicles to which the hon. Member refers are general service vans included in the total of 25. They use about 3.2 gallons and 1.3 gallons a day, and their average daily mileage is 34 miles and 23 miles, respectively. They are used for the carriage of heavy goods, such as gauges and tools, needed for the servicing of Farnborough Test Station and other Engineering Inspection Establishments in the London area, and of mail from "Oakwood" to Bromley Post Office, as no other transport is available. The vehicles are not normally used for the transport of passengers and usually carry only a driver and a labourer. They are, however, used, whenever possible, to carry about 10 disabled ex-Service members of the staff between the office and Chislehurst each day, as no public transport is available.