HC Deb 16 June 1948 vol 452 c43W
52. Mr. J. S. C. Reid

asked the Minister of Food how many retailers delivered B.U.'s collected by them to his Department, and how many did not do so, in the last three months for which particulars are available; in how many cases B.U.'s so delivered were counted in his Department; and what action has been taken by him where retailers did not deliver B.U.'s or where the number delivered was found to be deficient when counted.

Mr. Strachey

I am afraid it would take too much inquiry to out the number of retailers who deliver B.U.'s to local food offices, but my Department knows of no retailer of B.U. foods who fail to do so. The proportion of coupons checked varies considerably according to the staff available at the time, although a minimum check is always carried out. If the value of the coupons is short the retailer is told and his next delivery of coupons is also checked. If it happens again or if the original deficiency is very heavy we investigate, and if the evidence is sufficient and the case is serious, we prosecute.