HC Deb 11 February 1948 vol 447 cc73-4W
96. Mr. Baldwin

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what was the amount of cotton exported from Uganda yearly in the last three years; how far the estimated crop for the present year has fallen below the normal; and what are the reasons for this.

Mr. Rees-Williams

Exports of cotton from Uganda in the last three years were as follows:—

Year Bales of 400 lb.
1945 264,454
1946 219,195
1947 (11 months) 250,393

The present season's crop is estimated at 180,000 bales. An average pre-war crop was about 300,000 bales but acre-

To be provided from CD. & W. territorial allocation. To be provided from Local Sources or Loans. Total provision in Development Plan.
£ £ £
Kenya 3,500,000 14,086,000 17,586,000
Tanganyika 5,250,000 11,135,000 16,385,000
Uganda 2,500,000 13,498,000 15,998,000
Zanzibar 750,000 710,000 1,460,000
N. Rhodesia 2,500,000 10,500,000 13,000,000
Kyasaland 2,000,000 4,625,000 6,625,000
Nigeria 23,000,000 30,000,000 53,000,000
Sierra Leone 2,600,000 2,650,000 5,250,000
Gambia 1,300,000 680,000 1,980,000
TOTALS £43,400,000 £87,884,000 £131,284,000
age and yields varied considerably with weather and attacks by pests.

During the war the acreage under cotton was considerably reduced in favour of food production. Continuing high prices for foodstuffs have adversely affected cotton planting but the further fall this year is attributed to bad weather.