HC Deb 17 December 1948 vol 459 cc238-40W
Mr. Chetwynd

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether he will give the figures of the total expenditure on public social services in the financial years 1946–47 and 1947–48, respectively.

Mr. Glenvil Hall

Following is a Statement giving the figures for 1946–47 (actual) and 1947–48 (estimated). These are comparable with the figures published in the OFFICIAL REPORT for 19th December, 1947, in respect of 1945–46 and 1946–47.

Total Expenditure under Certain Acts of Parliament (other than expenditure out of loans for capital purposes or out of capital receipts).
NOTE:—This Statement gives the expenditure on Public Social Services in 1946–47 and 1947–48, the latest years for which details are available, and the information it provides is similar to that furnished by part I of the annual "Public Social Services" return before the war. Reference should be made to the last of those returns (Cmd. 5906 of November, 1938) for comparable expenditure in earlier years and for information as to the basis on which the return is compiled, but it should be observed that the explanatory notes in that return are not now accurate in all respects and that certain new items have been added to the list of services included in the Statement.
SERVICE ENGLAND AND WALES SCOTLAND GREAT BRITAIN Total number of persons directly benefiting from the expenditure included in Column 5 (6)
Financial Year Financial Year Financial Year 1946–47 (or latest available year) (5)
1946–47 (or latest available year)(1) 1947–48 (estimated) (2) 1946–47 (or latest available year) (3) 1947–48(estimated) (4)
£000. £000. £000. £000. £000. England and wales Scotland
(a) Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance Acts:—
(i) Unemployment Benefit, etc., General Scheme 28,023 21,005 6,351 4,827 34,374 12,176,000* 1,445,000*
(ii) Unemployment Benefit, etc., Agricultural Scheme 412 471 65 69 477 588,000* 82,000*
(iii) Unemployment Allowances 3,382 2,235 921 645 4,303 Not available. Not available.
(iv) Prevention and Relief of Distress 175 78 21 8 196
(b)National Health Insurance Acts 52,609† 27,200† 6,356† 2,977† 58,965 22,608,000* 2,530,000*
(c) Widows', Orphans' and Old Age Contributory Pensions Acts 79,632‡ 222,675‡ 9,036‡ 23,890‡ 88,668 2,624,271 306,000
(d)Family Allowances Act 29,199§ 51,018 4,381§ 7,594 33,580 3,569,000§ 535,000§
(e) Old Age Pensions Acts 93,224 25,282| 10,328 2,982| 103,552 2,342,000 257,000
(f) Old Age and Widows' Pensions Act, 1940, etc.: Supplementary Pensions 35,727 11,070 3,434 1,002 39,161 Not available. Not available.
(g) War Pensions Acts and the Ministry of Pensions Act (War of 1914–18) 32,000 32,338 3,477 3,504 35,477 756,530 82,010
(h) Pensions (Navy, Army, Air Force and Mercantile Marine) Act, 1939; Personal Injuries (Emergency Provisions) Act, 1939; Military Training Act, 1939; Reserve and Auxiliary Forces Act, 1939 (War of 1939–45) 45,431 45,380 5,847 5,901 51,278 1,232,340 159,330
(i) Education Acts 194,522 222,165 27,676 32,122 222,198 Not available. 963,000
(j) Physical Training and Recreation Act 33 112 3 17 36 Not available. Not available.
(k)Acts relating to Approved Schools 2,184 2,565 357 444 2,541 10,544 3,621
(l)Public Health Acts so far as they relate to:—
(i)Hospitals and Treatment of Disease 27,993 Not available. 3,823 Not available. 31,816 Not available
(ii) Maternity and Child Welfare Work 6,581 1,270 Not available.
(m)Midwives Acts 2,355 10,206
(n)Housing Acts 47,473 10,137
(o)Acts relating to the Relief of the Poor 41,931 4911 57,610
(p)Lunacy and Mental Treatment Acts 4,233 2400 46,842 552,503 102,036
(q) Mental Deficiency Acts 5,562 12,195 127,470 Not available 23,645
TOTALS 732,681 100,794 833,475
*The numbers given are those of insured persons at 8th July, 1946 (Unemployment) and 31st December, 1947 (Health).
†The figures given in columns 1 and 3 relate to the calendar year 1947 and those in columns 2 and 4 to the period 1st January to 4th July, 1948, i.e., the date on which the National Health Insurance Acts ceased to operate.
‡ These figures refer to expenditure from the Pensions Account, the Special Pensions Account, the Pensions (Scotland) Account and the Special Pensions (Scotland) Account. Surpluses and deficits in these Accounts were dealt with by transfers to and from the Treasury Pensions Account and the Treasury Special Pensions Account, which covered both England and Wales and Scotland and in to which annual contributions were paid by the Exchequer. For the financial year 1946–47 the amount of the Exchequer contribution was £12,025,000. In columns 2 and 4 the figures also include expenditure on pensions payable by virtue of the Contributory Pensions Acts to persons over age 70. From 1st April, 1947, these payments, which previously were included under (e) "Old Age Pensions Acts" were made from the Pensions Account and the Pensions (Scotland) Account.
§Family allowances commenced in August, 1946. The figures in column 6 are the numbers of children in respect of whom allowances were in payment at 31st March, 1947, the numbers of families concerned being: England and Wales, 2,288,000:Scotland, 306,000.
|Non-contributory pensions only see Note ‡ above.

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