HC Deb 17 December 1948 vol 459 cc236-7W
Mr. Sharp

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what procedure will be adopted and what organisations will be consulted when deciding to what extent the recommendations of the Everling Commission on German Universities should be implemented.

Mr. McNeil

The German Länder Government are responsible for all legislation on education matters in the British zone. Implementation of the Report of the Commission set up by the Military Governor to consider the position of German universities therefore rests with them. The Military Governor will give every assistance to the German Governments in this task. As a first step, Ministers of Education of all Länder in the three Western zones of Germany have arranged to meet the members of the Commission and the Rektors of the universities in January to discuss the Report and its recommendations with them. The Commission covers a wide field of interests and includes representatives of the churches, trade unions and co-operatives. Copies of an English version of the Report will shortly be available in this country for organisations and individuals interested in the German educational problem.