HL Deb 14 December 1948 vol 159 cc1044-6WA

asked His Majesty's Government, (1) whether they are now in a position to amplify their answer given to the question of December 4, 1946, on the emission of noxious fumes by North British Aluminium near Fort William, having regard to the fact that the Report of the Committee of the Medical Research Council has been in the hands of the Ministry concerned since 1947; (2) whether His Majesty's Government will now make the Report public observing that a certain local authority has received copies of extracts of this Report which includes a statement that "The effects on animal husbandry of fluorine contamination of herbage have been described in detail. They obviously constitute a serious impediment to economic methods of sheep and cattle farming in the area. It is important that everything practicable should be done to reduce the amount of fluorine discharged from the factory." (Chap. VII, page 145); (3) observing that the public are protected against the emission of hydrochloric acid fumes into the atmosphere by Government Regulations, will His Majesty's Government now bring the emission of the much more toxic hydrofluoric acid fumes into the atmosphere under similar appropriate regulations.


I am informed that the Report of the Committee of the Medical Research Council which has been investigating the medical and veterinary aspects of this matter has recently been completed. I understand that there has been some difficulty in compiling and editing the Report in its final form, as it is based on the contributions of a number of individual investigators. The Report is now with the printers, and it is hoped to publish it in January. I am further informed that an action for interdict against the company responsible for the factory concerned is at present before the Court of Session. The issues involved, in relation to the operations of the factory, are difficult, and have farreaching implications. The whole matter will be considered as one of urgency as soon as the legal action has been determined.

House adjourned at twenty minutes before six o'clock.