HC Deb 26 November 1947 vol 444 cc297-8W
111. Mr. Erroll

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether in view of the need for obtaining the maximum cooperation of the motoring public, he will issue as soon as possible a statement setting out clearly the reasons which have led to his decision that petrol properly obtained against basic coupons may not be used by any motorist after 30th November, unless he is entitled to use non-basic petrol as well.

Mr. Gaitskell

As it was necessary to stop the use of petrol for non-essential motoring as soon as possible a time limit had to be set, and I think that the allowance of the two months October and November provided reasonably for the use of petrol acquired with the basic ration coupons issued for earlier months. After the 30th November it will be illegal to use basic ration petrol for such motoring whether or not the user is entitled to petrol for other purposes.