HC Deb 18 November 1947 vol 444 cc153-4W
76. Mr. J. Morrison

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware of the indignation and plight of many Service and ex-Service families who have received eviction notices from the War Department in the Bulford and Larkhill areas; how many notices of eviction have been issued; and if he will ensure that satisfactory alternative accommodation is made available before any eviction takes place.

Mr. M. Stewart

I would refer the hon. Member to the full statement which was circulated in the OFFICIAL REPORT on 11th November, 1947, in reply to a Question by my hon. and gallant Friend the Member for North Paddington. Two hundred and twenty-five Service families in the area have received notices warning them that they may be required to vacate their quarters on or after 1st January, 1948. All these families will be offered alternative accommodation in Regular Families Hostels. Sixty-nine ex-Service families have received "Notice to quit" but no eviction orders have yet been applied for. As regards these ex-Service families, I regret that I cannot give the assurance asked for, because the War Department is not responsible for providing accommodation for them.

90. Mr. Bowden

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that summonses for possession have been issued against ex-Service men and their families occupying Queen Mary's Buildings, Stillington Street, London, S.W.1; that so far no alternative accommodation can be found; that rental has been refused; and if he will withdraw these summonses until alternative accommodation has been found.

Mr. Stewart

Every effort has been made by the War Department during the past few months to come to an arrangement which will ease the hardships of these and similar tenants of War Department property. These quarters are, however, needed most urgently for the housing of Regular soldiers whose families are homeless and who have been separated from their families for long periods. While, therefore, my right hon. Friend is prepared to make any reasonable concession by suspending legal action where there is a guarantee that an ex-Service family will be rehoused within a reasonable period, he regrets that he cannot agree to an indefinite deferment of legal action to obtain possession of War Department property. In the interests of serving soldiers, legal proceedings must now be instituted.