HC Deb 04 November 1947 vol 443 cc183-4W
94. Mr. Bing

asked the Minister of Labour the number of civilians employed at the latest convenient date by the Navy, Army, Air Force and the Supply Department, respectively; and the categories under which these persons are enumerated in Table 4 in "The Digest of Statistics," published by His Majesty's Stationery Office.

Mr. Isaacs

At 1st July, the latest date for which figures are available, the number of civilians employed directly by the Departments in question were—Admiralty 137,415, Air Ministry 61,634, War Office 102,032, and Ministry of Supply 111,980. In Table 4 of the "Monthly Digest of Statistics" just over two-thirds of the total are included under the heading "National Government Service" and nearly one-third in the figures for manufacturing industries and building and civil engineering.

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