§ Mr. Henderson Stewartasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs how many persons serve on Lord Killearn's staff in South-East Asia; how are the numbers divided between Europeans and non-Europeans; who pays the costs of this staff; and how do the rates of pay compare with those of the Malayan Union and the Singapore Government.
§ Mr. MayhewI have no later information than that contained in my right hon. Friend's reply to the hon. Member for Bury (Mr. W. Fletcher) on 12th March last, in which the total number of staff was given as 542. This includes, however, approximately 200 persons employed by the British Far Eastern Broadcasting Service. I am making inquiries as to how 325W this number is divided as between Europeans and non-Europeans and will communicate with the hon. Member as soon as the information is received. The cost of this staff is borne by His Majesty's Government. We are investigating at the moment every possibility of reducing this staff below its present figure. It is not possible to compare the rates of pay of the majority of the staff with those of the Malayan Union and the Singapore Government as the types of work are not readily comparable. The rates of pay of Lord Killearn's staff vary according to the grade of the individual and to whether he is recruited locally or, sent out from this country. Insofar, however, as it is possible to make a comparison, e.g. with shorthand-typists, typists, drivers and mechanics, the rates of pay are approximately the same.
— 1943–44. 1944–45. 1945–46. 1946–47. 1947–48. £ £ £ £ £ British Council (General grant in aid) 1,882,346 2,460,000 1,817,000 2,454,000 2,913,000 Do.: (Payment for services on behalf of Colonial Office, and, in 1947–48, India and Burma Office) — — 342,490 491,000 587,000 U.N.E.S.C.O — — 10,836 185,000 154,000 Arts Council of Great Britain (formerly C.E.M.A.) 115,000 175,000 235,000 350,000 390,000 British Academy 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,500 2,500 Medical Research Council 215,000 250,000 295,000 465,000 698,000 Bureau of Hygiene and Tropical Diseases 1,000 1,000 3,000 2,800 3,000 Council of Industrial Design — 4,000 55,000 100,000 164,000 The table excludes (on the analogy of the organisations expressly excluded in the terms of the Question) grants to museums, art galleries, libraries, schools of music, dramatic art and archaeology, and to responsible bodies recognised for direct grant by the Minister of Education under the Further Education Regulations, e.g., in the Adult Education field.