HC Deb 31 March 1947 vol 435 c261W
Mr. Ernest Davies

asked the Minister of Works the nature of the works now being undertaken at Buckingham Palace, the cost thereof, and the numbers employed thereon.

Mr. Key

The special work now in hand at Buckingham Palace includes bomb damage repairs, excavation work for a new boiler house and mains in connection with the modernisation of the heating system, and the improvement of the servants' quarters in the attics. There is also some work in connection with redecoration of certain rooms and the rewiring of part of the State rooms. The total cost of this work is about £54,300, of which about half is on bomb damage repairs. The number of men employed is 178. I am satisfied that this work is necessary. The general programme for modernising engineering services in the Palace will be spread over many years, but the opportunity has been taken of the absence of the Royal Family in South Africa to carry out certain noisy and dirty work connected with the installation of new boilers which will be oil fired.