HC Deb 24 March 1947 vol 435 cc136-7W
56. Mr. S. Shephard

asked the Minister of Agriculture how many farm tractors are to be imported during 1947.

Mr. T. Williams

It is hoped to obtain 1,706 agricultural tractors this year under the 1947 import programme. This is the maximum number for which orders could be accepted owing to production difficulties in the U.S.A. In addition, on 1st January, 1947, there were 315 tractors still to come from last year's programme.

57. Mr. S. Shephard

asked the Minister of Agriculture the production programme of farm tractors for 1947; and what proportion of them is to be exported.

Mr. T. Williams

The 1947 production programmes of farm tractor manufacturers, excluding market garden types, is over 70,000 or about 2½ time actual 1946 output. Production difficulties are expected to prevent the full programme from being completed, but supplies in 1947 should be substantially above those of 1946. In view of the present urgent needs of home food production, the export arrangements for the next few months for those machines which are suitable for us in this country have been, and some still are, under review with the manufacturers.

58. Mr. S. Shephard

asked the Minister of Agriculture to which countries the 8,787 farm tractors were exported in 1946; and what quantities were exported to each of these countries.

Mr. T. Williams

The information is not available for farm tractors separately, but only for all types of agricultural tractors including the small market garden types. Following is a statement relating to all tractors:

Number and Destination of Agricultural Tractors of all Types Exported from the United Kingdom in 1946.
Country Number
Australia 1,656
Denmark 1,106
Poland 1,091
Eire 1,084
Finland 1,059
Sweden 742
Belgium 737
Union of S. Africa 692
Netherlands 593
Austria 555
Germany 487
Czecho-Slovakia 410
New Zealand 381
Other Countries 2,377

Note.—The figure of 8,787 given in reply to an earlier Question referred to farm tractors only and excluded market garden types. This number, which was used so as to be comparable with total production and supplies made for the home market, is the total of the farm tractors made during 1946 for export, which were not necessarily shipped that year.