HC Deb 12 June 1947 vol 438 cc135-6W
Mr. Shawcross

72, 73 and 74. asked the Minister of Health (1) why, out of 407 permanent houses for which he has approved tenders for the Huyton Urban District Council, only 31 have been completed, having regard to the fact that 190 out of 304 being built under licence by speculative builders have been completed in a much shorter time: and what steps he proposes to speed the construction of houses to let in this district;

(2) Why out of the 288 permanent houses under construction for the Widnes Borough Council, none have yet been completed except seven houses for staff, having regard to the fact that 56 out of 120 being built under licence by speculative builders have been completed in a much shorter time; and what steps he proposes to speed the construction of houses to let in this borough;

(3) Why out of 168 permanent houses for which he has approved tenders for the Whiston Rural District Council, only 20 have been completed, having regard to the fact that 16 out of 122 being built under licence by speculative builders have been completed in a much shorter time; and what steps he proposes to speed the construction of houses to let in this district.

Mr. Bevan

In the three districts in question the erection of houses by licence began before the erection of houses by the local authority. The issue of further licences by the councils, except with the approval of my Department, has been prohibited and as indicated in the figures given in Appendix B of the March return, the completion of substantial numbers of houses by the local authority during this year is expected.

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