HC Deb 03 June 1947 vol 438 cc1-2W
1. Mr. Pritt

asked the Secretary of State for War why 5392930 Private H. Johnson was given no opportunity to attend or give evidence at the court of inquiry held into the loss of his brief case whilst in military custody in the neighbourhood of Bombay, in which he asserts that he could have given most material evidence; why the inquiry was confined to a short period at Byculla and not extended to cover the period at Kalyan; and whether he will now direct that a proper inquiry be held.

Mr. Bellenger

A statement made by Private Johnson regarding his conviction by court martial has been treated as an appeal to the Army Council and is about to be considered. This statement deals among other things with the loss of the brief case, and I should therefore prefer not to make any comment on the matter until the appeal has been considered. When this has been done I will write to the hon. and learned Member.

10. Mr. Pritt

asked the Secretary of State for War when the hon. and learned Member for North Hammersmith may expect to receive an answer to his letters of 10th and 29th March, 1947, relating to the revision of a court martial sentence.

Mr. Bellenger

The hon. and learned Member will by now have received a letter about this case.

20. Mr. Teeling

asked the Secretary of State for War if he has anything to add to his answer of 2nd July, 1946, concerning the case of 6391871 Sapper H. Blaker, R.E., who was posted as a deserter when he disappeared whilst on active service on 10th November, 1944; and whether he is aware that this man's family is still existing on public assistance, although circumstances point to the probability of death by misadventure.

Mr. J. Freeman

This case was carefully reviewed earlier this year, but unfortunately no grounds could be found for interfering with the declaration of the court of inquiry. I regret that the hon. Member was not informed of the result of this review.

22. Mr. Touche

asked the Secretary of State for War if his attention has been called to the case of Captain R. E. J. Lishmund, who had in his possession the sum of £35 6s. 8d, when he was captured by the Italians, who impounded the money and gave him a receipt for this amount, but on applying to his Department for compensation he has received only a part payment of £20 and was informed that the question of paying sums over £20 was under consideration; and if he will take immediate steps to authorise payment in full of this claim.

Mr. J. Freeman

In the special circumstances of this case payment in full has now been made. I regret the delay.