HC Deb 17 July 1947 vol 440 cc57-8W
3. Mr. H. Fraser

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what conditions he has imposed governing the issue of petrol to tourists to this country; and why the international branch of the Automobile Association in Washington D.C. and the London Petroleum Board appear to have been given contrary instructions.

Mr. Gaitskell

Overseas visitors who bring a car or motor cycle with them can obtain a basic ration book when they arrive in port. In addition, as announced on Tuesday last, extra coupons will also be granted to cover one return journey between the port of arrival and the tourist's furthest destination. Both the basic ration book and these extra coupons are issued by the A.A., the R.A.C. and the R.S.A.C. Extra allowances for business purposes are, however, issued by the regional petroleum officer and visitors can obtain the necessary application form at the port of arrival. With regard to the second part of the Question regional petroleum officers are well acquainted

employment exchange> Numbers of insured persons registered as unemployed at 16th June, 1947. Numbers (included in preceding column) who had been continuously on the registers for more than six months.
Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total.
Whitehaven 332 48 380 175 7 182
Cleator Moor 217 26 243 117 117
Millom 15 5 20 2 2

The numbers of unemployed disabled persons on the Disabled Persons Register at 16th June were as follows:

Males. Females. Total.
Whitehaven 217 2 219
Cleator Moor. 104 104
Millom 19 19

with this procedure and full particulars have been supplied to the American A.A. and other motorists' organisations abroad. In the circumstances there should be no question of conflicting information being given to visitors but if the hon. Member knows of any case where confusion has arisen I shall be glad to look into the matter.

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