HL Deb 28 January 1947 vol 145 cc243-4WA

asked His Majesty's Government: If the average value and volume of retained imports and British exports in 1913 be taken as 100, what are the corresponding index numbers for each of the years 1919 to 1945?


My Lords, the attached table gives the figures requested. Since the volume calculations have necessarily been made, at different periods, on the basis of the prices of different years, the figures are only approximate. The degree of approximation increases considerably in the later years.

[Following is the table referred to.]

Year. Retained Imports. U.K. Exports.
Average Value. Volume. Average Value. Volume.
(1913 =100)
1919 247 90 277 55
1920 295 88 359 71
1921 202 73 269 50
1922 158 86 199 69
Year. Retained Imports. U.K. Exports.
Average Value. Volume. Average Value. Volume.
(1913 =100)
1923 152 95 190 75
1924 158 107 189 76
1925 156 111 184 76
1926 143 116 173 68
1927 137 119 164 78
1928 139 115 163 80
1929 135 122 159 82
1930 119 119 152 68
1931 97 121 137 52
1932 91 106 128 51
1933 87 106 127 52
1934 90 111 129 55
1935 93 112 130 59
1936 97 119 133 60
1937 111 127 145 65
1938 105 121 148 57
1939 106 117 147 54
1940 147 114 179 41
1941 169 99 205 32
1942 173 85 236 21
1943 195 93 257 17
1944 197 97 269 18
1945 208 75 276 26


1. Prior to 1st April, 1923, all trade between Southern Ireland and Great Britain and Northern Ireland was internal and therefore not recorded. For this reason the figures for the years 1919 to 1924 have been related to 1913 on the basis of the external trade of the British Isles as a whole. For the years subsequent to 1924, the figures relate to Great Britain and Northern Ireland, an appropriate adjustment being made to preserve the relationship with 1913.

2. For the years 1942 to 1945, the figures are exclusive of "munitions", i.e., aircraft and other vehicles and parts (except rubber tyres and tubes for road vehicles), and arms, ammunition and military and naval stores imported or exported by Government Departments.

House adjourned at five minutes before seven o'clock.