HL Deb 27 February 1947 vol 145 c1146WA

asked His Majesty's Government if it is their policy to paint all Post Office telephone kiosks pillar box red, in complete disregard of local amenities and of the representations of local Planning Committees.


His Majesty's Government are prepared to consider representations by recognized amenity societies and other competent bodies about the provision of telephone kiosks in national beauty spots, and a review of this matter is shortly to be undertaken by the Post Office, in conjunction with the Royal Fine Art Commission. I should explain that the Commission have previously given advice to the Post Office on both the design and colour of public telephone kiosks, and after giving full consideration to the preservation of amenities in places of special beauty, recommended that the Gilbert Scott kiosk, painted in red, should be used. This recommendation was fully supported by the Councils for the Preservation of Rural England and Rural Wales and by the Association for the Preservation of Rural Scotland.