HC Deb 27 February 1947 vol 433 cc324-5W
79. Mr. Edward Davies

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether any extra supplies of household coal are given to merchants to enable them to meet special licences granted by local fuel overseers.

Mr. Shinwell

In allocating supplies to merchants regard is paid to the extra supplies licensed by local fuel overseers to meet cases of special need. Recently the available supplies have been insufficient to provide in full the permitted quantities for all households in addition to the licensed extra supplies. In consequence the general deliveries have had to be reduced in order to meet the requirements of premises having special needs.

94. Mr. Champion

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power if he has given consideration to the letter from the hon. Member for South Derbyshire complaining of the distribution of coal by the Mapperley Coal Company, which appears to be incapable of supplying its customers on time, so that many are as much as 13 cwt. in arrears with their supplies; if he is taking emergency measures to supply these people both with their current rations and the arrears; and if he will make other arrangements for their future supplies.

Mr. Shinwell

My hon. Friend will already have received a reply to his letter which indicates the steps which have been taken to rectify the position. It is not possible to make good deficiencies in deliveries in past periods but I will endeavour to ensure full supplies to these consumers for the February to April restriction period.

102. Lady Noel-Buxton

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power if he is aware that the climatic conditions in East Anglia are as severe as in any part of the country; and if he will reconsider the differential allocations of domestic fuel on the basis of this fact.

Mr. Shinwell

I regret that I am unable to accept my lion. Friend's contention regarding the climatic conditions in East Anglia. I cannot, therefore, see my way to increase the fuel allowances in that area.