HC Deb 13 February 1947 vol 433 c96W
111. Mr. Rees-Williams

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster whether his attention has been drawn to the regulations for the combating of social diseases made by the Department for Health Service of the Magistrate of Berlin, dated 25th September, 1945; whether these regulations are still in force; and what has been the result in the Berlin area and the British zone of the operation of the compulsory treatment provisions of the above and of similar regulations in the British zone.

Mr. J. Hynd

Yes, Sir. These regulations made on 28th September, 1945, are line with German legislation passed in 1927 and are still in force. Since compulsory examination and treatment for venereal disease have been enforced, the positive cases found have fallen from 25 per cent. to 13 per cent. In the British zone practice varies somewhat from district to district. Compulsory examination and treatment are still enforced by the German authorities but free confidential treatment, a practice hitherto unknown in Germany, has been introduced with considerable success. Over the last six months of 1946 notifications of venereal disease fell from 4,626 to 2,975 a month in Berlin and from 12,400 to 9,85o a month in the British zone

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