HC Deb 12 February 1947 vol 433 cc60-1W
69. Mr. H. D. Hughes

asked the Minister of Food the retail price of cauliflower, sprouts and other vegetables before the lifting of the controls, and at the latest available date.

Dr. Summerskill

The latest information at my disposal (which is for the week ended 1st February, 1947) about retail prices in England and Wales of cauliflower, sprouts and other vegetables which have been freed from price control, as compared with the maximum prices in operation at the corresponding date last year, is as follows:

Price per 1b
February, 1946. February, 1947
Cauliflower/Broccoli 6½d 9¾d
Spring Cabbage and Greens. 5d 5d
Savoys and Savoy Greens. 3½d 3¾d
Other Cabbage (e.g. Kale). 4½d 4d
Leeks 5d 5½d
Beetroot (uncooked) 3d 3d
Parsnips 3d 3d
Swedes (unselected) 2½d 2d
Turnips 2½d 2½d
Rhubarb 1s 1s. 10¾d
Brussels Sprouts 6½d 10d

70. Mr. Chamberlain

asked the Minister of Food what steps he proposes taking in regard to the excessive prices now being charged to the public for such vegetables as cauliflowers and cabbages.

Dr. Summerskill

The former maximum retail control price for cauliflower and cabbages at this time of year was 6½d. and 3½d. per lb., respectively. The latest information at my disposal, which is for the week ended 1st February, shows that the average retail price in England and Wales was 9¾d. and 3¾d. per lb., respectively. Supplies of cauliflower are at present scarce and my right hon. Friend has accordingly arranged for further imports, but there are still good supplies of cabbages and savoys and root vegetables available at reasonable prices.

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