HC Deb 05 August 1947 vol 441 cc142-3W
91. Mr. Platts-Mills

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware- that when 11224629 Gunner C. Geeves surrendered as a deserter, a son and daughter, 19 and 17 years of age, were left alone, without means; that the son suffers from epilepsy; that there is no provision for the grant of a dependant's allowance in such cases; that until Gunner Geeves has been released and is paid again he cannot make a voluntary allotment; that, when these facts were brought to the notice of his Department by the hon Member for Finsbury, the only concession was to put in a claim for a War Service Grant on behalf of Miss Geeves; and whether he will now order the immediate release of Gunner Geeves and his compassionate discharge from the Army.

Mr. Bellenger

This soldier was found guilty of desertion for a period of nearly five years. In these circumstances the sentence of 16 months' detention may be regarded as lenient. It is subject to one-third remission for good conduct and is due for review on 3rd September. I regret that there are no grounds for anticipating this review and that the circumstances though hard, do not satisfy the conditions under which compassionate release may be granted.

99. Mr. Champion

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is now in a position to reply to the complaints, made by the hon. Member for South Derbyshire, of a failure of the postal facilities from the unit of Bombadier L. Samways which have been the subject of representations over the past three months.

Mr. Bellenger

This matter is still under investigation and I will write to my hon. Friend as soon as I have received the necessary information.

Sir R. Young

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that S/14928718 S/Sergeant Stanley, B Section, Cold Storage Unit, R.A.S.C., Athlit, Palestine, M.E.L.F., commenced his period of service in the Fleet Air Arm on 14th June, 1943, was transferred to Army service in February, 1945, and should, therefore, be demobilised with Group 54; that this demobilisation has not taken place owing to naval service being not counted, personal No. F.X.582031, 53rd Pilots Course; why naval service has been ignored in counting length of time in His Majesty's Forces; and if he will expedite demobilisation.

Mr. Bellenger

Sergeant Stanley was not called forward for release with Group 54 owing to an erroneous entry in his documents overseas. As soon as his unit drew attention to the error, his correct Group was confirmed and he is now on his way home for release.