HC Deb 02 April 1947 vol 435 c328W
Sir G. Harvie Watt

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies (1) what constructive replies have been sent to the repeated requests from the Palestine Government for the early consideration and decision on the important question of up-grading of salaries of officials in the first division Civil Service in that country;

(2) what are the Government doing regarding the up-grading of salaries of officials in the first division Civil Service in Palestine, bearing in mind that the matter has been under discussion since 1942 and that the Service is less favourably situated with regard to remuneration than in the Colonies.

Mr. Creech Jones

In 1942 increases in salaries involving a total cost of £16,000 were authorised, in 1944 the expatriation allowance payable to officers drawing salary up to £1,000 a year was increased, and in 1945 further salary increases involving an additional £23,000 for the first division were approved. An inquiry into the salaries structure of the first division of the Palestine Civil Service was made by Mr. T. Fitzgerald in December last, and his report is now under consideration by the Government of Palestine. The difficulties under which the Palestine administration is obliged to work are well known, but it is hoped that it will shortly be possible to announce revised rates of remuneration for the first division, which will of course take into account the necessity for integrating the remuneration of overseas officers with the general standards of remuneration of such officers in the Colonies.

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