HC Deb 15 October 1946 vol 427 cc162-3W
110. Mr. Piratin

asked the Minister of Works what licence has been granted, and for what amount, to premises known as Dropmore, near Slough, Bucks; and if he is satisfied that the work now being carried out at that address is of an urgent character.

Mr. Tomlinson

Early this year a licence was granted to make these premises habitable following military occupation. Subsequently licences were granted to make good deficiencies brought to light in the course of the work including damage to timber by the death watch beetle and repairs to the sewage plant. The total value of the licences granted has been £24,740. The licences date from February last when labour was readily available in this area. Although the repairs were considered necessary by the local authority to make the premises habitable, I doubt whether the decision taken at the time was justified. I understand, however, that the essential work is now almost completed.

115. Mr. Gooch

asked the Minister of Works what certificates have been granted to permit of extensive repairs to the Ship Hotel, Cromer, Norfolk; and it he will withdraw these and divert the labour to building houses for which there is a great local demand.

Mr. Tomlinson

A building licence for £3,000 has been granted for the repair of war damage at the Ship Hotel, Cromer. I am advised that this work should not prejudice the local housing scheme and I see no reason, therefore, to withdraw the licence.

122. Wing-Commander Millington

asked the Minister of Works on whose authority a licence has been issued authorising over £2,000 to be spent on alterations to a private house named Chivers, of Stondon Massey, Essex in an area where materials and labour for new buildings are scarce.

Mr. Tomlinson

A licence was issued sometime ago by my regional licensing officer for work at a farmhouse known as "Chivers," Stondon Massey, Essex, which had been occupied by the military. The work has since been completed. The licence was issued after consultation with the war agricultural executive committee and officers of the local authority and after technical inspection by officers of my Department.