HC Deb 26 November 1946 vol 430 c242W
75. Mr. Osborne

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury the special factors governing Government industrial establishment employees whose wages have increased by only 52 per cent. since October, 1938, as against the average increase of 89 per cent. for the whole country; what are the weekly hours worked; and how many people are affected.

Mr. Glenvil Hall

The comparison between average earnings (not wages) shown in the October number of the "Ministry of Labour Gazette" is influenced partly by the greater measure of overtime, night work and piecework in October, 1938, in Government industrial employment than in other industries, and partly by the other factors referred to in the article in question. The weekly hours of work in October, 1938, were approximately 49, as compared with the present. 48. The number of people affected, on 1st July, 1946, was 414,561.