HC Deb 19 November 1946 vol 430 cc67-8W
86. Sir C. Edwards

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he has considered representations from the committee of the Welsh Rugby Union and the secretary of the Rugby Union of England and Wales complaining of the small number of coupons allowed to the Union; if he is aware that only .35 of a coupon per player is given and that 14 coupons are required for a complete outfit; and if he will see that this number is increased.

Mr. Belcher

The Board of Trade has made an allocation of coupons for Rugby Union football, and I understand that the Secretaries of the Welsh Rugby Union and English Rugby Union have both written to express their appreciation of the help given. No complaints have been received since then.

96. Mr. McAdam

asked the President of the Board of Trade why the 26 coupons promised to ex-Servicemen in August of this year have not yet been issued to them; and when the issue of those extra coupons can be expected.

Mr. Belcher

On 19th June I informed my hon. Friend the Member for Maldon (Mr. Driberg) that the issue of 26 coupons to those demobilised between 18th June, 1945, and the end of 1945 would be made this month. The issue will start next Monday.

107. Sir W. Wakefield

asked the President of the Board of Trade the number of clothing coupons issued to Italians visiting this country on short business or holiday visits.

Mr. Belcher

Clothing coupons are normally issued only to those who are staying for more than a month. No distinction is made between Italians and other nationals.