HC Deb 22 May 1946 vol 423 cc81-2W
70. Mr. Price-White

asked the Minister of Food whether he is aware that despite the recent extension of the period during which lettuces may be imported into this country and the availability of home grown supplies, his Department still refuses to permit the importation of early carrots although such vegetables cannot be supplied from home sources; and whether, in view of the high dietetic value of fresh carrots, he will arrange to remove this restriction forthwith.

Sir B. Smith

I am aware that licences are not being granted for the importation of early carrots. Home grown carrots are not controlled at present and will not come under control until the middle of June. I am, however, informed by my right hon. Friend the Minister of Agriculture that in the meantime growers of early carrots in the United Kingdom should be able to meet the limited demand for this class of carrot.