HC Deb 06 May 1946 vol 422 c44W
63. Mr. Hollis

asked the Minister of Agriculture what written and practical examinations it is proposed to institute to ascertain the qualifications of persons to be appointed to the projected agricultural advisory service.

Mr. T. Williams:

Appointments will be made after interview by selection boards appointed by the Civil Service Commission, and there well be no written or practical examinations.

64. Mr. Hollis

asked the Minister of Agriculture how many appointments, when, and at what cost, it is proposed to make to the projected agricultural advisory service.

Mr. T. Williams:

My intention is that appointments shall, in general, be effective from 1st October next. Candidates are at present being interviewed by selection boards, whose work cannot be completed for several weeks. Consequently it is not yet possible to state the number and financial cost of the appointments which will be made by 1st October.