HC Deb 18 March 1946 vol 420 c303W
Colonel J. R. H. Hutchison

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he will take steps to see that the proportion of British goods which are supplied to continental governments are transported in British ships in accordance with shipping agreements between the countries concerned; and that the practice of selling f.o.b., which allows the buyer to dictate the vessel in which goods are to be transported will cease.

Sir S. Cripps

No, Sir. While His Majesty's Government are determined that British shipping should secure fair participation in the trade between this country and the Continent of Europe, action by His Majesty's Government on the lines suggested would be contrary to the view which my right hon. Friend, the Minister of War Transport, has already stated in this House to be the basis of our policy that the interests of all countries are best served by the fullest international freedom for ships to ply in all trades. His Majesty's Government will take all possible steps to bring about the general adoption of this policy. For this reason, His Majesty's Government are opposed to discriminatory practices by Governments limiting cargoes to their national flag.

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