HC Deb 25 July 1946 vol 426 c42W
77. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Minister of Health how many mentally deficients are now in appropriate institutions compared with six months ago; what percentage of the total number of mental deficients this represents; and what plans exist to meet the present needs of suitable accommodation, particularly in view of the many cases of domestic unhappiness imposed on parents and on other children owing to mental deficients having to be cared for in their own homes.

Mr. Bevan

I regret that figures of the number of mental defectives now in institutions are not available, but the number on 1st January last was 52,788. This is approximately 20 per cent. of the estimated total number of defectives in the country, many of whom, however, do not require institutional care. I have authorised the Board of Control to consider plans for the provision of additional accommodation for low grade and tubercular patients, whose care in ordinary homes imposes great hardship upon parents.