HC Deb 24 July 1946 vol 426 cc15-6W
95. Mr. J. Hudson

asked the Minister of Food what alteration in the cut of 15 per cent. in the barley supplied to brewers will be necessitated by his decision to increase the supplies of beer during the summer months.

Dr. Summerskill

None, Sir. The increased supplies will be obtained by reducing the average gravities of the beer and not by increasing supplies of raw materials.

97. Mr. Parker

asked the Minister of Food whether he will see that beer supplies are more fairly distributed over the country and between public-houses and clubs.

Dr. Summerskill

Brewers have been instructed to distribute their supplies of beer fairly between their customers including tied houses, free houses and clubs. There is still a greatly increased demand for beer, and it is possible that there will be local and temporary shortages, notwithstanding the forthcoming increase in supplies.

98. Mr. Parker

asked the Minister of Food whether he will take steps to see that publicans receive full measure in the casks of beer which they receive.

Dr. Summerskill

My right hon. Friend is not aware that publicans do not receive full measure, but if any publican receives less than his supplier has contracted to supply the publican has his normal remedies.

99. Mr. Parker

asked the Minister of Food what steps he is taking to increase the supply of beer.

Dr. Summerskill

Instructions have been issued to every brewer to reduce the average gravity of his beer by 10 percent. as from 1st August next, but no brewer will be required to reduce his average gravity below 1,030 degrees.