HC Deb 16 July 1946 vol 425 c180W
114. Mr. B. Taylor

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that men serving in India and Iraq are staying longer than is laid down by the medical authorities and that the scheme of not more than two summers' service in these countries is not being carried out; and if he will take steps to have this remedied.

Mr. Lawson

As already announced, the full tour in Middle East Command, which includes the Force in Iraq, is now reduced to three years and six months and that in India to three years. There is an arrangement under which personnel serving in Iraq are, wherever possible, posted elsewhere within Middle East Command after serving for two hot seasons, though in the case of specialist personnel this has not always been practicable. There is no corresponding arrangement in India but nearly all men have the opportunity to spend periods of leave during the hot weather in hill stations, where the climate is good.