HC Deb 15 July 1946 vol 425 c143W
86. Mr. Wilkes

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Burma what arrangements exist for young Burmese technicians and students to receive university training and instruction in this country; and whether, in view of the great need for native administrators and technicians for the reconstruction of Burma, he will make more comprehensive arrangements for the training of young Burmese in this country

Mr. A. Henderson:

Arrangements for the placing of students in this country are made on behalf of the Government of Burma by the High Commissioner for India. There are 27 State scholars from Burma here at present receiving university training. There are besides a certain number of private students. Last year a comprehensive survey of the facilities available was made by three officers of the Government of Burma and as a result a seven-year programme of State scholarships was drawn up as part of the reconstruction programme. Progress in selecting and placing scholars has been less rapid than I could wish, but my hon. Friend is no doubt aware of the very great difficulty of placing students in this country at present. The Government of Burma have under consideration a scheme for the award of some 150 scholarships for the study of a wide range of subjects in universities in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. I am consulting the Government of Burma on the needs of the country for training other than university training.