HC Deb 20 February 1946 vol 419 c259W
Lieutenant H. Hughes

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he consulted representative local opinion in Malaya before issuing the recent statement of policy; and, if so, what individuals or groups were consulted.

Sir J. Barlow

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if he is aware of the many demonstrations against the provisions of the proposed Malay Union; in particular, if he has been informed of the recent demonstration of 20,000 Malays at Alor Star on the abdication of at least one Malay ruler under force by his subjects, because he signed the Treaty agreements; and what representations he has received from Malay rulers and Malay associations against the Treaty.

Mr. George Hall

The only formal consultations undertaken before the issue of the recent White Paper were those between Sir Harold Mac Michael and the Rulers and their advisers in connection with the negotiations for the new Agreements. Before these consultations began, the Sultans had had the opportunity of studying the statement which I made in the House on 10th October last, in which I gave a general outline of the policy of His Majesty's Government. Moreover, at his first interview with each Sultan, Sir Harold handed to His Highness a Memorandum explaining the proposals of His Majesty's Government in detail. Since the White Paper was issued. I have received representations from some of the Sultans and from various organisations and individuals in Malaya. These representations are directed, in the main, against particular proposals such as that for the creation of Malayan Union citizenship, rather than against the new Agreements as such. These representations are being considered. So far as I am aware there has been no demonstration of the size suggested; nor has any Malay Ruler abdicated since the conclusion of the new Agreements.

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