HC Deb 12 December 1946 vol 431 cc293-4W
Sir B. Neven-Spence

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies (1) to what extent, in connection with the deliberations of the Claims Commission in Malaya, British European subjects who are compelled to abide by specific laws of the Malayan Government will have to bear losses which may not be compensated for in reparations;

(2) to what extent awards, which the Malayan Claims Commission may offer, are to be confined within the compass of reparations from Japan;

(3) to what extent he has instructed the commission appointed to consider Malayan war damage and losses claims to have regard, in their deliberations, to the manpower laws of the Malayan Governments in force at the time the damage and losses were sustained; or whether such laws are to be ignored.

Mr. Creech Jones

Some details in the terms of reference to the Malayan War Damage Claims Commission have not yet been settled. It is, however, intended that the commission shall examine all claims received by them and submit reports thereon to the Malayan Governments, the Government of Malta have considered Until those reports have been received and considered it will not be possible for decisions to be taken as to the extent to which compensation will be awarded.

The setting-up of the Claims Commission does not mean that the Governments concerned have committed themselves finally to paying compensation in respect of certain specified kinds of loss, and have disclaimed liabilities in respect of all other kinds. It will be open to the Commissioners, in the light of the fuller knowledge of the problem which will be gained in the course of their examination of the claims submitted, to suggest that they should assess other kinds of loss which de not come within the scope of the original terms of reference. There is no direct relation between the amount of the awards which will be made and the amount of reparations which may be received from the Japanese; and until the total amounts of admitted claims is known, it will not be possible to say what relation the amount of compensation granted will bear to the claims admitted.