§ 96. Mr. Prittasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what is being done to compensate Albert Alvarez, claim No. 90/Gib./62, and other Gibraltarian refugees who were removed from Kensington Palace Mansions to Northern Ireland on the night of 18th-19th July, 1944, in respect of the loss or pilferage of belongings from their luggage which was subsequently delivered to them with many articles missing.
Mr. Creech JonesI am informed that 127 claims were submitted by Gibraltarian refugees for war damage to private chattels at Kensington Palace Mansions and that claims have been approved in 124 cases leaving only three cases still under consideration. A payment to Mr. Albert Alvarez in respect of his claim for loss through war damage has now been approved. On completion of consideration of the war damage claims it will be possible to settle claims received in respect of other losses.