HC Deb 08 April 1946 vol 421 cc258-9W
Mr. Keelinģ

asked the President of the Board I of Trade how many licences to export works of art of each category were refused during each of the years since export has been controlled: and the values

Mr. Marquand:

The number of applications for licences to export works of art refused since export control was imposed and the total values of the items refused are as follows:

NO. of Licences Value£
1940 4 204
1941 4 376
1942 2 39,000
1943 19 6,517
1944 2 312
1945 1 65
1946 (to date) Nil

The records readily available do not distinguish between various categories of works of art.

Viscount Hinchingbrooke

asked the President of the Board of Trade the num-

United kingdom Goods. Imported Merchandise
Paintings in oil, etc Ink, pencil, etc., drawings. Paintings in oil, etc Ink, pencil, etc., drawings.
£ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000
1940 147 1 257 3
1941 96 4 13
1942 103 3 7
1943 43 13
1944 176 2 42
1945 122 1 62
The values of works of art, other than pictures, similarly exported were:

United kingdom Goods Imported Merchandise
£000 £000
1940 34 5
1941 18 4
1942 5
1943 2 2
1944 13 4
1945 11 2

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