HL Deb 02 April 1946 vol 140 cc543-4WA

asked His Majesty's Government, if they are aware that unless imports of pitprops are greatly increased in the near future, there is a grave risk of the already depleted woodlands of this country being still further denuded to keep our coalfields working; whether they realize that any fresh inroads would definitely imperil our national security in the event of a future war; and if therefore they will take immediate steps to accelerate the rate of import from every possible source, and most especially from the large forests of occupied Germany, where ample supplies exist.


Every endeavour is being made to accelerate the rate of import of pitprops from supplying countries, but partly owing to their lack of coal, supplies from the usual exporting countries are still below requirements. An expanded organization has been set up in the Control Commission to develop timber production in Germany, but substantial aid from this source cannot be received for some months. In these circumstances, it is still essential that considerable production of round and sawn mining timber in this country should be continued during 1946. The Government regret this further drain upon our diminished resources of timber. The authorities concerned with production are keeping in close touch with the Forestry Commission in this matter and the noble Earl may be assured that cutting in this country will not be con- tinued beyond what is absolutely necessary and that requirements will be met with the least possible damage to the woodlands.