Major Lloydasked the Minister of Labour the average monthly rate of absenteeism among the workers of the National Dock Labour Corporation during the past two years.
§ Mr. IsaacsI regret that monthly figures of absenteeism among dock workers in ports covered by the National Dock Labour Corporation could not be made available without a disproportionate amount of labour; but the following figures show, in respect of each quarter of the past two years, the percentage of men who have been "unaccounted for" at the daily calls. Included in this figure are:
- (1) men whose absence was subsequently found to be due to sickness or some other legitimate cause; and
- (2) men who, although allocated to work, subsequently refused to accept or failed to perform that work.
Quarter ended. Percentage of men "Unaccounted for." 31st December, 1943 5.3 31st March, 1944 4.0 30th June, 1944 3.9 30th September, 1944 5.0 31st December, 1944 4.9 31st March, 1945 5.2 30th June, 1945 3.1 30th September, 1945 3.6