HC Deb 22 October 1945 vol 414 cc1835-6W
Wing-Commander Cooper

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Civil Aviation how many R.A.F. or civil aircraft or aircrews have been, or are intended to be, released for service with British South American Airways; what is the type of aircraft involved; and what is the date from which is it proposed aircrews or aircraft will be available.

Mr. I vor Thomas

The statement of Government policy which my Noble Friend will make on 1st November will deal with the arrangements under which British air services will be operated. On the clear understanding that the action is without prejudice to future Government policy, arrangements have been made with the Ministry of Supply and Aircraft Production for six Lancaster aircraft surplus to R.A.F. requirements to be lent to British South American Airways. These aircraft are now ready. As regards aircrews, I refer my hon. and gallant Friend to a reply which the Under-Secretary of State for Air is making to-day.

Wing-Commander Cooper

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air what facilities have been granted to any R.A.F. personnel to be interviewed by British South American Airways with a view to engagement by that concern; how many air and ground crews are involved; if he will say how many contracts have been offered for engagement; from what date it is intended they should become effective; and will any such personnel obtain release to take up appointments accordingly.

Mr. Strachey

Applications have been invited from R.A.F. air crew personnel to volunteer for secondment to British Air Transport. Candidates are interviewed by a selection board comprising Service and Civil Aviation representatives, and a representative of British South American Airways has been invited to the selection board whenever candidates have been interviewed with a view to employment with that organisation. Fifteen R.A.F. air crew personnel have been selected for secondment for employment with British South American Airways. No ground personnel have been seconded. The secondment of R.A.F. air crew personnel is a temporary arrangement, and the individuals seconded are liable to return to R.A.F. duty if required, pending eventual release.