§ Mr. Piratinasked the First Lord of !he Admiralty the number of officers and men who at any time voluntarily signed for service with the R.N. under the terms of T.124 agreement; and the number of such personnel still serving under the terms of that agreement.
Mr. AlexanderSo far as can be ascertained the number of officers and men who at any time voluntarily signed for service with the Royal Navy under the terms of T.124 Agreement and its variants is approximately 27,000. This figure should not, however, be regarded as anything more than a rough approximation of the number of individual officers and men since it includes some who have signed more than one agreement: it having been the practice in the early days of the war for officers and men 1545W to sign an agreement for a particular ship for a specified period. The number of personnel still serving under T.124 Agreements is 2,416 officers and 9,634 men.