§ Sir E. Graham-Littleasked the Minister of Education how many maintained schools have sought and obtained permission to become direct-grant schools; how 438W many direct-grant schools have sought and obtained permission to become independent schools since the passage of the Education Act, 1944; and upon what principles refusal in each category has been based.
§ Miss WilkinsonThe number of schools which, prior to 1st April last, received their grant through the local education authority and which have applied for direct grant recognition is 36; and the number of such applications granted is four. In those cases in which the applications have been refused the special circumstances adduced by the Governors have not been such as to justify placing the school outside the scope of maintained secondary education contemplated by the Education Act, 1944.
The number of schools which, prior to 1st April last, received direct grant and which have signified their intention of relinquishing grant altogether is 16. No permission by my Department is necessary, but in my capacity as Commissioner for educational charities I am concerned in most cases to secure that, notwithstanding any increase of fees involved by the relinquishment of grant, the school continues to be conducted in accordance with the principles of charitable trusts and the intentions of the founder.