HC Deb 28 November 1945 vol 416 cc1504-5W
Mr. D. Griffiths

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India if he is aware of the inadequate services provided and extortionate prices charged by the Canteen Services, India, in S.E.A.A.F.; and if he will have these prices reviewed.

Mr. A. Henderson

I am not aware that the services provided by the Canteen Services, India, in S.E.A.A.F. are inadequate or that prices charged are extortionate. All canteen prices are approved by a Control Board and a complete retail price list is published quarterly which is widely circulated and can be obtained at any Canteen Services (India) canteen or depot. In addition, printed price lists are exhibited in all canteens and can be seen by any customer. The prices are highly competitive and, on the whole, appreciably lower than prices for the same items ruling on the ordinary commercial market.

No complaints have been received for some time as regards the service rendered by the Canteen Services (India), but if my hon. Friend would let me have particulars of the complaints which have been made to him, I will be glad to institute inquiries. I would add that the operations of Canteen Services (India) in S.E.A.A.F. are confined to Burma and 'that, in accordance with arrangements already made, N.A.A.F.I. will take over from Canteen Services (India) in that country early next year.

Mr. D. Griffiths

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India if he will consider replacing Canteen Services, India, by N.A.A.F.I., where it is the overwhelming desire of the men; and if he will consider making a statement on the financial and administrative organisation of Canteen, Services, India.

Mr. A. Henderson

The Canteen Services (India) are carrying as large stocks and as wide a range of goods as any canteen service might be expected to hold. Reasonable and informed complaints of the existing service are now rare. I have no information as to any widespread demand in India that N.A.A.F.I. should take over.

The Canteen Services (India) are owned by the Government and controlled by a board consisting of the Q.M.G. in India, a high-ranking officer of the Navy and of the R.A.F., and a representative of the Finance Department. Under this board of control is a Board of Administration responsible to it for the detailed organisation of the canteens and depots, etc. Finances are governed by the Board of Control and are subject to a close and elaborate system of audit. There is a finance member also on the Board of Administration. The whole organisation throughout is run by the Government for the benefit of the Fighting Services and after expenses have been met all profits are returned to units in the form of rebates.