HC Deb 15 November 1945 vol 415 c2494W
Colonel Stoddart-Scott

asked the Minister of Health, in view of the fact that there are 2.57 doctors per 1,000 in the Army and 2.27 doctors per 1,000 in the R.A.F. and only .74 per 1,000 in the civil population, why over 370 doctors have been called up into the Army and R.A.F. since VE-Day; and why they are still being called up in considerable numbers.

Mr. Bevan

The continued recruitment of doctors to the Forces is necessary, in accordance with the general principles set out in the White Paper on the Reallocation of Man Power issued in September, 1944, in order to increase the releases of medical officers under Class A of the demobilisation scheme and to compensate for releases under Class B. The great majority of those called up are young men recently qualified who have held hospital appointments for six or twelve months.

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