HC Deb 07 November 1945 vol 415 cc1413-4W
Major Wilkes

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what is the extent of the subsidy being paid annually to the sugar industry of Trinidad; whether any portion of this subsidy has been set aside for increasing the wages of the workers on the sugar estates; and whether any provisions regarding labour conditions on the estates have been attached to the grant of the subsidy.

Mr. George Hall

The subsidy on sugar manufactured or grown in Trinidad takes the following form: (a) a guarantee of a price to the producer of $5.5 per ton of cane; (b) a contribution to manufacturers of $400,000 for depreciation on factory buildings, etc.; (c) a contribution to manufacturers of £400,000 towards the cost of interest on capital; (d) a bonus for the current year at the rate of $20 per acre actually planted, expenditure not to exceed $320,000 individual payment being scaled down, if necessary, to keep within that total.

The subsidy under (a) and (d) above is paid to peasant producers as well as to estates employing labour. In the latter cases no specific allocation to wages is made, but under an agreement dating from 1st January last, between employees and managements, wages were increased by 10 per cent. to 15 per cent., according to category of labour. No provisions regarding labour conditions are attached to the grant of subsidy.

Mr. Dye

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what wages are being paid to the workers in the West Indies engaged in growing and processing sugar cane; and how do these wages compare with those paid to workers producing sugar-beet on the farms in this country and those employed in the beet-sugar factories.

Mr. George Hall

As regards the first part of the Question, wages vary widely as between different West Indian Colonies and even within them according to the type of task undertaken. As complete and up-to-date statistics are not available, I am asking each Government concerned to report the present maximum and minimum wage for both field and factory workers in the sugar industry. When this information is received I will send it to my hon. Friend, together with similar figures in respect of this country, which I will obtain from my right hon. Friend the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries.