HC Deb 22 March 1945 vol 409 cc1014-5W
Dr. Morgan

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether, in view of the difficulty experienced by Members of Parliament in doing their political work when asked to speak at week-end conferences on Government policy and political matters, and the difficulties of railway travel, he will be prepared to increase Members of Parliament petrol allowance.

Major Lloyd George

It is open to any Member of Parliament to make a special application to the Fees Office if he finds that he needs additional petrol to enable him to speak at political conferences and similar meetings outside his own constituency.

Dr. Morgan

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether he will consider the publication of a detailed statement giving information as to the amount of petrol granted monthly to Members of Parliament, including Ministers and Under-Secretaries; and stating whether the supply is only for their political and Parliamentary work and/or for professional requirements as well.

Major Lloyd George

It would be contrary to established practice to give details relating to the petrol allowances granted to particular individuals.